Page name: Hackers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-14 23:43:52
Last author: -Tier-
Owner: Janus Star
# of watchers: 18
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Welcome to Hackers Unite!




:Hijacker Badge:
- Hijack another users account on ET.

:Ghost Badge:
- Become a guard on ET.

:Cell Badge:
- Put this wiki URL on five or more different sites, where there are possibly hackers.

:Circle Badge:
- Establish a monthly meeting spot for hackers in your location.

:Cyber Ninja Badge:
- Hack someone's network an get their password(s).


1. [Genesis~] UPC: TERMINATED

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

2. [Janus Star] UPC: 100101

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

4. [Diiwica] UPC: 010001

NOTE: Do not post any exploits on here.

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2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: Im sure there is. Yet, I would rather create Websites then Hack into them.

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: but how better to learn about protecting your websites that you build, then breaking into them??

2006-05-31 [Balthizar]: My web sites would not contain anything worth breaking into,

2006-05-31 [Genesis~]: Look, im not here to argue with you, or persuade you, if you want in, then just say it, if you don't then leave..

2006-06-01 [levhole]: I have received an invitation to this site. I'll check out your tests and if I think I have time for it I'm in.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: ...first of all, id just like to say one thing, the windows intereastrests thing, is not there to put down cause you like "makeing websites" that would be what the "web design" check box in the intereasts is for....

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: the windows check box refers to the operateing system itself, how it runs, an if you know how it runs. what it uses for security blah blah, then you obviously know what your doing... thus why he invited you.. simply put... if you dont like invites like this... change your intereasts to the correct interests corresponding to what you actualy know and like

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: Generally though you get to know some one before you send a wiki invite.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: what would be the point of getting to know someone... based on the subject of this wiki, do you think any of us are goint to reveal who we are? .... the answer to that question is very simple

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: That isnt the point though, Generally you do not send an invite based on what there interests are. You usually get to know them to make sure they are the kind of person you want there.

2006-06-01 [Janus Star]: This is how we get to know you, people like us just dont sit back an ask you questions, cause you can "say" you know this stuff an your the right type all you want... truth be told its your actions that speak for themselves... an what you do in this wiki... would defently tell us if your the right person for this wiki or not... an if your not.. trust me youll know when you no longer see your name on the member list

2006-06-01 [Balthizar]: Odd, I run many RPG's and I would never allow some one into the game without Interviewing them first. I want to make sure they are not going to waste my time or anothers time. So I usually get to know them first, maybe even do a small amount of research first.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: ...i see... RP is RP... haveing to be interviewed to get into an rp is pathetic... RP is suppose to be similar to real life... you cant pic or choose who you run into...*sigh* damn real RPers are dieing... its sad really... but back to this subject.. if you waste are time we kick you out... simple as that..

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: Actually, it depends on the RP. Im not going to allow some one who is immature and will powerplay into the RPG. That just causes problems.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: depends on how good of an rper you are.... ive had several god types join my rps.. i work around them..... an i even try to help them, youll come to find most "Immature Rpers" arnt really immature at all, they just need to be taught alittle better... people who dont give them a chance..... are whats killing rp...... Dwindleing it down to the little amount of websites its on.... but hey im not here to tell you how to run your rps... thats up to you... you just wont find me anywhere near your rps..... an problems happen all the time in life... thats what makes life what it is... if it wasnt for problems... an figureing out how to solve them... life would be nothing

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: Ah but having some one get mad cause you told them their powers were too goddly and you suggested another power. And then watch as they delelte everything, yah, doesnt make me happy. I dont like pouring work into somthing, and watching some one destroy it.

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: what work? i dont understand...rp is simpley put, you create a basic story line, then you improve with other characters... so things dont happen the way you want them to in your rp? well thats how RP is... when you invovle other people, the story line you want.... never happens.... an if you force it to happen, that in itself is the biggest GOD like power in rp.... therefore i aske again? what work? a paragraph of the basic story line? oh maybe createing multipull wikis an linking them together to be diffent towns... *whisper* let me tell you a secret... if you truely dont like a god power character an he wont change... delete him an say your character killed him/her or somthing to that affe

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: affect, the glorious thing about rp... is its not real... so you can do that

2006-06-02 [Balthizar]: I have. But the person deletes everything. I know how to deal with them, I've dealt with them enough though. Now I have to to where I can spot the easier within the first couple of posts

2006-06-02 [Janus Star]: I still dont understand your point.. i personnaly think your a lazy rper if your not willing to deal with ALL aspects of an rp, *sigh*...haveing to be interviewed..thats kinda lame.... oh well... your rp is your not trying to change or question the way you do things... so i would very much apreaciate it, if you did not question us about the way we do things simply put... do not join if you dont want to, an over look are invite... good day to you

2006-06-02 [Genesis~]: I already told him, I don't believe he knows anything about Windows, and was just putting it on his computer interests to fill in the blank spot he had there.. [Janus Star], did you ever get that Windows Xp crack to work?

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